Wednesday, March 25, 2009

facebook. Friend or foe?

Ok, I'm finally in with the rest of the herd.

Got my facebook set up and LOVE IT!

I've resisted for a long time. Didn't think it was for me. I'm too busy. I'm too old. I'm not a "follower".

Put this one next to a couple of my finest predictions:

  • "Yeah dude, Ryan Leaf is going to be way better than Peyton Manning."
  • "Vista is gonna be amazing!"
  • "I'm not an Apple guy. Don't see me buying a Mac."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is it fair to ask for billing reports?

The answer is "yes" with one caveat... be ready to learn how many hours were spent due to your internal process (read: inefficient).

It's the responsibility of anyone who bills hourly to be diligent in tracking their time. The reality is that 95% of companies bill properly. The other 5% gives our industry a black eye. Over billing has a tendency to work itself out in one of two ways:
  1. You get fired
  2. You end up "washing" the hours out in the next billing
Either way it makes it uncomfortable for both sides and will lead to a negative result.

Here's the caveat I mentioned... be careful what you ask for.

Clients are always shocked how long things take to get done. In many cases, they play a major role in the issue. Having inefficient systems, poorly trained staff and a lack of resources (money, staff, focus, etc...) leads to "hour burn", scope creep and missed deadlines. Outsourced resources and consultants are at the mercy of the team/ resources granted to them to execute the projects/programs.

Here's the "be careful what you ask for..."

90% of the time I'm asked to produce an hours report, I find that I have not billed all of the hours associated with the program and end up sending an overage bill. So the effort to "keep me honest", backfires.

Remember that the folks you trust to help you are not there to cheat you. If you feel uncomfortable with how your hours are being spent, have a conversation with your consultant before you ask for an hours report. The request before the conversation could be interpreted as you calling them a liar or a cheat.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rendering your computer useless

How do you make thousands of dollars of technology useless?

Take away the Web!

Don't believe me? Disconnect your cable modem, DSL or whatever you use to connect to the Web. Sounds like no big deal right?

Wait a second...

No email
No facebook
No sports updates
No blogging
No stock updates
No weather updates
No online shopping
No news updates
No Web surfing

Get the point?

What did we do in the "good old days"?

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, March 16, 2009

In my bag

Got a bunch of questions about my technology arsenal.

Here's what's in my bag:
- 20" iMac (desktop)
- MacBook Air
- Lenovo Netbook
- iPhone

All of my data is stored on MobileMe (Apple cloud) with Google Docs as collaborative calendars and Production Queue.

-- Post From My iPhone

The best bag ever!!!

Total Creeper move but I had chase this lady down at the LA airport!

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Mark of Excellence

No way I could do something as easy as a gold seal for the Mark of Excellence.

Look out for more info on this month's winner...!

-- Post From My iPhone