Sunday, December 28, 2008

What am I missing?

I'm a firm believer in performance based compensation. 

Been a Sales Rep with a "do it or leave" quota. Now I'm a Strategist with a "what have you done for me lately" monthly retainer model. If I don't deliver, I don't get paid. This "qualifies" me to take the following shot.

Here's my boggle... how can executives of failing companies justify huge bonuses?

Every weekend my wife (Kitty) reads me the headlines from the paper. Ok, she actually giggles or groans as she reads and I hassle her until she tells me what she just read. The articles that earn the most groans are the ones where executives get gigantic bonuses as they layoff employees and destroy the 401k portfolios of hard working potential retirees. The reality is that they have been getting huge bonuses for years. The difference is that we never paid attention because we were content with our own position or couldn't comprehend six figure numbers.

Instead of ranting about this practice, I'm going to help out and make a few recommendations on how the bonus money should be spent.
  • Donate to homeless shelters
  • Rehire the folks you just laid off
  • Adopt a dog from the pound
  • Hand out $100 bills 
  • Buy $500K worth of stuff at the Dollar Store
  • Sponsor an "up and coming" band (The Less)
  • Apology cards to all share holders
  • Adopt a small business and pay their bills
  • Buy mosquito nets for children in third world countries
  • Over tip everybody, all the time
Here's Kitty's thought... decline the bonus.

Come on folks, do the right thing.