Monday, January 5, 2009

Something Rogue...

Looking for something a little "rogue"? 

Check out Slant Marketing's sister company, Rogue Industries. (

It's actually my alter-ego and the parent company of Slant. 

Think of it this way, where Slant is polished and engages clients as an "embedded" resource, Rogue is gritty and provides situational strategy for business partners and non-retained engagements.


Slant Marketing = "I need help positioning my brand and setting my Go to Market Strategy. Can you help us define it, create campaigns and execute them?"

Rogue = "I need help positioning my brand and setting my Go to Market Strategy. Can you help us draft a program that we can execute?"

Rogue = "We are a Marketing firm too but don't have the resources to engage in the strategy side. Can you join our team and help out our clients?"